History of the Club

History, still in the making.

The Harvard Club of Boston has a rich and storied history dating back to its founding in 1908. Over the decades, it has evolved into a prestigious institution that serves as a hub for Harvard alumni and affiliates in the Boston area. Throughout its history, the Harvard Club of Boston has remained dedicated to fostering connections among its members and promoting the values of Harvard University.



Club History



22 Alumni men started the Harvard Club of Boston with annual dues set at $5.



The Club established $200 scholarship grants to local high school students attending Harvard.



The Harvard Club grows to nearly 1,200 members.



The Back Bay property was bought for $200,000 with the cost of building estimated at $480,000. When completed, the actual cost came to $700,000.



When the Back Bay Clubhouse opened, guests could stay in a room with bath for $2/night, eat breakfast for 20 cents and have lunch and dinner for just 65 cents per person.

1914 - 1918

1914 - 1918

During WWI, the Club became, in effect, Boston's Army and Navy officers' club.



Eight squash courts were built beginning the Club's long association with squash and fitness.

1929 - 1939

1929 - 1939

During the Great Depression, the Club acted as an employment agency posting a list of positions needed by members who were out of a job.



Women were allowed into the Club but only to dine in the women’s Annex. Men dined in Harvard Hall.

1939 - 1945

1939 - 1945

During World War II, cots were set up in the squash courts as lodging for junior officers at $1.50 a night.



The Harvard Club welcomed women to full and active memberships–the same year Harvard University became co-ed.



The Downtown Clubhouse, on the 38th floor of One Federal Street, was established.



The Downtown Clubhouse undergoes a $2.5 million makeover.



A $16 million renovation of the Back Bay Clubhouse will modernize the venerable building.

Past Presidents

Past Presidents

2022 - present    Marcus O.P. DeFlorimonte gb'95, PMD

2019 - 2022         Matthew G. Hegarty '82

2016 - 2019         Karen M. Van Winkle '80

2013 - 2016         Michael H. Shanahan gb'82

2010 - 2013         Nicholas J. Iselin '87, gsd'92

2007 - 2010         Philip C. Haughey '57

2004 - 2007         James Henry Anderson '69

2001 - 2004         David Edward Herily '56

1998 - 2001         William Shaw McDermott '71

1995 - 1998         Glenn M. Johnson '79, gb'84

1992 - 1995         Franklin B. Mead III gsd'66

1989 - 1992         Paul R. Corcoran, Jr. '54

1986 - 1989         George M. Lovejoy, Jr. '51

1983 - 1986         David Arshag Aloian '49

1980 - 1983         John Lowell Thorndike '49

1977 - 1980         Kenneth C. Mittell '34

1974 - 1977         Stanely Miller '52, gb'54

1971 - 1974         James M. Fitzgibbons '56

1970 - 1971         Alexander Harvey Bright '19

1968 - 1970         John Peirce Chase '28

1965 - 1968         John Louis Newell '26, m'30

1963 - 1965         Carlton P. Fuller '19

1961 - 1963         James R. Reynolds '23

1959 - 1961         Forrester Andrew Clark '29

1956 - 1959         Augustus Thorndike '19, m'23

1955 - 1956         W. Nelson Bump '28

1953 - 1955         Charles C. Lund '16, m'20

1951 - 1953         Henry Rice Guild '17, l'19

1949 - 1951         Walter Henry Trumbull, Jr. '15

1947 - 1949         Charles Hadley Watkins '09

1942 - 1947         Ralph Lowell '12

1940 - 1942         John Wells Farley '99, l'03

1938 - 1940         G. Peabody Gardner '10

1935 - 1938         Edward Augustine Taft '04

1928 - 1935         Nathaniel Farwell Ayer '00

1925 - 1928         Charles Francis Adams III '88, l'92

1923 - 1925         Robert Grant '73

1920 - 1923         Robert F. Herrick '90

1916 - 1920         Odin Roberts '86, l'91, MIT'88

1908 - 1916         Henry Lee Higginson '55